Thursday, March 25, 2010

What Golf Course?

It is truly by God’s grace that I manage to get anywhere, and I had a good reminder on Wednesday that I never know quite as much as I think I do…

It all began Wednesday morning at 8:00 am. I left my apartment to head to a meeting in Thindigua about 30 km outside of Nairobi. I was running a little late, so I tried a shortcut that worked out perfectly, and I made it right on time! I arrived feeling quite pleased with myself and my navigational skills.

We were meeting to plan for the Vacation Bible School that Thindigua Parish will be hosting the last week of April. There has been an overwhelming response from the community in terms of support and registration, so we all felt greatly encouraged. I was pretty excited when the meeting ended on time, because I had planned to have lunch with a friend of mine who lives nearby. The pastor gave me a lift, and I confidently told him to drop me off in Muthaiga. I walked toward the shopping center where we had agreed to meet and called my friend, Lisa, to tell her I was there. She offered to come and meet me, so I waited.

A couple of minutes later my phone rang, and it was Lisa saying that she was also there. I couldn’t see her, so I walked out to the road.

A few more minutes and another phone call:
Can you see the matatus?
Yes, I see some matatus.
Which side of the road are you on? Let me come over there.

I walked toward the matatu stage thinking she must be near it.

My phone rings again:
What else are you see?
I am near the golf course.
Golf course? What golf course?
Muthaiga Golf Course.

At that point Lisa realized that I was in Muthaiga not Muthĩga, and began laughing hysterically. We were looking for each other on opposite sides of town!

Now, in my defense, both words sound like mu-thê-ga to me, but everyone else seems to know the difference. I eventually made it to Lisa’s house for a delicious lunch... and learned about a whole new part of town in the process!

Monday, March 15, 2010

I Like Bread

This past Sunday was an exciting day at Loresho Community Church and part of that excitement included Holy Communion. During the service, I happened to have a six year old girl, Nati, on my lap. She is a child I have grown quite fond of over the past few months, so we whispered and giggled as the people around us prepared for the sacrament through song. As the minister invited us to the Table, she began a new conversation:

“Do you eat that bread?” she asked me.

“Yes, I eat that bread.” I replied, a little amused.

“I like bread,” she told me quite matter-of-factly, “all types of bread.”

As the elders began to distribute the bread and the wine, I took a piece. Nati looked at it and asked “Can we share it?”

I let her break the small wafer in two, and we each took half.

Sometimes it takes a child’s commentary for me to remember the basic premise of the Lord’s Supper. In all of the holy mystery of the sacrament, there is bread. Ordinary, everyday bread: the stuff we eat for breakfast or take with tea, the stuff that we all need to sustain and nourish us. I agree with Nati: I like bread. All types of bread, and it is always better when it is shared.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Wedding Festivities

Weddings are a part of life no matter where in the world you are living. They bring with them joy, excitement, laughter, and friends. It is beautiful to watch as people commit their lives to God and one another, as they promise to walk together through whatever may come. Weddings also bring with them the particular customs and traditions of the people getting married, and it has been great fun to learn new ways of celebrating the gift of marriage!

A couple of weekends ago, I was privileged to join two very dear friends at their gurariũ. A gurariu is a Kikuyu pre-wedding party (think an engagement party with a twist). The celebration took place at the home of the bride’s parents, and it was full of food, speeches, laughter, and fellowship. My favorite part (the aforementioned “twist”) came after lunch and a number of speeches when I had still not seen the bride. I began to wonder where she was and asked a nearby friend. “Don’t worry,” he replied, “she will come when it is time.” Pretty soon after that, an older woman went into the house and led out a line of women, each completely covered from head to toe. They were all around the same size and height and they all stood in a row before the groom. It was then his task to “choose his bride” from the line-up. I watched the groom walk up and down the line looking for his bride, as the guests waited for his choice. Luckily, he chose correctly, and his beloved was uncovered. I was later told that she has worn a distinct color of toenail polish to give him a clue, but even her feet had been covered! I can only imagine how nervous they both were in front of all of their friends and family!

After the groom chose correctly, both families went into the house for negotiations and returned later to announce their success!! We all celebrated with cake, sodas, and lots of singing!