Thursday, March 25, 2010

What Golf Course?

It is truly by God’s grace that I manage to get anywhere, and I had a good reminder on Wednesday that I never know quite as much as I think I do…

It all began Wednesday morning at 8:00 am. I left my apartment to head to a meeting in Thindigua about 30 km outside of Nairobi. I was running a little late, so I tried a shortcut that worked out perfectly, and I made it right on time! I arrived feeling quite pleased with myself and my navigational skills.

We were meeting to plan for the Vacation Bible School that Thindigua Parish will be hosting the last week of April. There has been an overwhelming response from the community in terms of support and registration, so we all felt greatly encouraged. I was pretty excited when the meeting ended on time, because I had planned to have lunch with a friend of mine who lives nearby. The pastor gave me a lift, and I confidently told him to drop me off in Muthaiga. I walked toward the shopping center where we had agreed to meet and called my friend, Lisa, to tell her I was there. She offered to come and meet me, so I waited.

A couple of minutes later my phone rang, and it was Lisa saying that she was also there. I couldn’t see her, so I walked out to the road.

A few more minutes and another phone call:
Can you see the matatus?
Yes, I see some matatus.
Which side of the road are you on? Let me come over there.

I walked toward the matatu stage thinking she must be near it.

My phone rings again:
What else are you see?
I am near the golf course.
Golf course? What golf course?
Muthaiga Golf Course.

At that point Lisa realized that I was in Muthaiga not Muthĩga, and began laughing hysterically. We were looking for each other on opposite sides of town!

Now, in my defense, both words sound like mu-thê-ga to me, but everyone else seems to know the difference. I eventually made it to Lisa’s house for a delicious lunch... and learned about a whole new part of town in the process!

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